Session 6 : Exercise

Code for download: session6_start.tar.gz

Exercise 6a:

  • With use of G4AnalysisManager
    (see example B4/B4d ):

    1. Create & fill histogram
      • Define a 1D histogram for the energy deposited per event for each calorimeter layer
      • Implement filling of histograms in the EDEmCalorimeterSD::EndOfEvent() function.
        To access the i-th calorimeter hit from fHitsCollection:
        EDEmCalorimeterHit* hit = (EDEmCalorimeterHit*)(*fHitsCollection)[i];
      • Activate plotting of histograms using the UI command(s)
    2. Create & fill ntuples
      • Define two ntuples representing the tracker chamber hit in each tracker chamber:
        • the chamber layer number
        • hit local position (x, y, z)
      • Implement filling of the ntuple in  EDChamberSD::ProcessHits();
        • Note that in there is added a new data member, fNtupleId, in the EDChamberSD class which allows to associate each tracker chamber with one of created ntuples
    3. Inspect generated file in Root with the ROOT browser
      • The command to call Root:
        $ root

Exercise 6b:

  • Inspect the implementation of a command using G4GenericMessenger in the EDEventAction class, execute the command to inactivate verbose mode and run a new event
  • Implement a command to activate or inactivate the randomizing of the particle direction in the primary generator action using G4GenericMessenger in an analogous way as the command in EDEventAction
    • Add a G4GenericMessenger object in EDPrimaryGeneratorAction
    • Call its DeclareProperty method to create setRandomize command associated with already existing data member fRandomize of a G4bool type

Solution: session6_solution.tar.gz