liste des processProcess list

NameSignificancecomputersCm name
TolmProcessorreal time and DAC interfacingpc-calva2calvaTpr
PrPhotodiode Readout based on ADC signals, allow also some operations on the signalspc-calva2CalvaPr
GcLockingGlobal control system, correct only the length of the cavitiespc-calva2Calva_Locking
LcLockingLocal Control system, will correct angle and z based on red laser.pc-calva2LC_Calva_Locking
FreqStabLaser frequency and power stabilization, control 1064 and 1319 nm laserspc-calva2Laser_CALVA_Locking
TolmDacConfiguration and driving of the DAC board - 1 channel per coil and laser corrections. Also decide which z correction to send depending of the status of GcLoking and LcLockingpc-calva2DAC
TolmFbFrame builder from the real time applicationspc-calva2calvaTfb
RawToWriteSend frames to process via TCP/IPpc-calva2
FdWRawGEt data from RawToWrite ans store on diskpc-calva1
FmRawList frames as ffl file on diskpc-calva1
FbsMoniGet data from RawToWrite and send them to FbmToWritepc-calva1
FbmMainGet data from RawToWrite and send them to FbmToWritepc-calva1
FromMainGet data from RawToWrite and send them to FbmToWritepc-calva1
MultiMeasTo use Agilent DataLogger for thermic measurement
CtrlDelayChange delay lines values
Fbt50RawGet, subsample at 50 Hz and store datas in memorypc-calva2
Fbm50Retrieve datas in memorypc-calva2
Store dataspc-calva1
Fm50HzList frames as ffl file on diskpc-calva1
FbtMainCreate trend dataspc-calva4
FmTrendCreate trend dataspc-calva4
FbmToDynon activepc-calva1
Fbm50UsersAllow access to 50 Hz online datapc-calva1
FbmTestDyAllow access to full sampling online datas (10, 20 or 160 kHz)pc-calva1


NameSignificancecomputersCm name
TolmProcessorreal time and DAC interfacingpc-calva2calvaTpr
PrPhotodiode Readout based on ADC signals, allow also some operations on the signalspc-calva2CalvaPr
GcLockingGlobal control system, correct only the length of the cavitiespc-calva2Calva_Locking
LcLockingLocal Control system, will correct angle and z based on red laser.pc-calva2LC_Calva_Locking
FreqStabLaser frequency and power stabilization, control 1064 and 1319 nm laserspc-calva2Laser_CALVA_Locking
TolmDacConfiguration and driving of the DAC board - 1 channel per coil and laser corrections. Also decide which z correction to send depending of the status of GcLoking and LcLockingpc-calva2DAC
TolmFbFrame builder from the real time applicationspc-calva2calvaTfb
RawToWriteSend frames to process via TCP/IPpc-calva2
FdWRawGEt data from RawToWrite ans store on diskpc-calva1
FmRawList frames as ffl file on diskpc-calva1
FbsMoniGet data from RawToWrite and send them to FbmToWritepc-calva1
FbmMainGet data from RawToWrite and send them to FbmToWritepc-calva1
FromMainGet data from RawToWrite and send them to FbmToWritepc-calva1
MultiMeasTo use Agilent DataLogger for thermic measurement
CtrlDelayChange delay lines values
Fbt50RawGet, subsample at 50 Hz and store datas in memorypc-calva2
Fbm50Retrieve datas in memorypc-calva2
Store dataspc-calva1
Fm50HzList frames as ffl file on diskpc-calva1
FbtMainCreate trend dataspc-calva4
FmTrendCreate trend dataspc-calva4
FbmToDynon activepc-calva1
Fbm50UsersAllow access to 50 Hz online datapc-calva1
FbmTestDyAllow access to full sampling online datas (10, 20 or 160 kHz)pc-calva1