Practical Information

The school venue is located in a small remote village even if formally it is part of Silesian town of Zawiercie. The hotel is even more remote one or two kilometers away
surrounded by the wood.

Coordinates of The hotel:
Morsko Plus
Ośrodek Szkoleniowo - Wypoczynkowy Sp. z o.o.
ul. Wyspiańskiego 22
41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza

Several practical informations:

The next Trans-European School of High Energy Physics will be held at the Hotel "«Morsko Plus»" in Poland from July 9th to July 17th, 2015. All participants should arrive in the evening of July 8 and leave on July 17 morning.

The nearest airport is the Krakow or Katowice airport.

On the day of arrival and the day of departure, the bus will be organised between the airports and the school venue.

Web site of the French ambassy in Poland: