Discussion sur le workshop HSF actuellement en cours au LAL. Un peu à boire et à manger…
La section LAL de LoOPS va organiser d’ici la fin de l’année une session locale de l’école « mini-ENVOL », une offre de DEVLOG clés en main, 3 jours consacrés aux tests. Il suffit de prévoir l’annonce, les inscriptions, trouver une salle ( 203) et les repas de midi.
Les 24-25 mai auront lieu deux jours de cours « Software Carpentry » au PROTO204. Au programme : Unix shell, python, Git
Détails :
You are invited to a two-day Software Carpentry course that will take place on May 24-25th, 2016 (Tuesday - Wednesday) at PROTO204 in Bures-sur-Yvette, France (Paris metropolitan area). Software Carpentry is a programming course for beginners, which covers most important skills for everyday use of scientists (automating tasks with the shell, programming in Python, data analysis and visualisation, keeping track of project changes with git). The course is aimed at graduate students and other researchers. You don't need to have any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented at the workshop. Some prior programming experience (in any language), although not required, will be useful. The teaching language of the course is English (but there will be helpers around that can assist in French). The registration to the course is free, but due to limited space it is mandatory. The registration will open on May, 11th at 10am and the seats will be distributed on first-come-first-serve basis. More information and registration at: https://paris-swc.github.io/2016-05-24-proto204/ The course is organized by computational scientists from the Paris area: Jan Antolik (UNIC, CNRS), Andrew Davison (UNIC, CNRS), Loïc Estève (Pariétal, Inria), Eric Bray (LRI, Université Paris-Sud), Konrad Hinsen (CBM, Orléans), Samuel Lelièvre (Math, UPSud), Camille Marini (Telecom ParisTech, CNRS), Marcel Stimberg (Institut de la Vision, UPMC), Bartosz Teleńczuk (UNIC, CNRS), Maria Teleńczuk (Institut de la Vision, UPMC) About Software Carpentry Scientists spend more and more time on programming. While techniques for writing software are constantly evolving, only few scientists have been trained to use them. As a result, instead of doing their research, they spend far too much time writing deficient code and reinventing the wheel. This course is a two-day hands-on tutorial tailored to the needs of novice Python programmers or seasoned users of other programming languages. It introduces them to modern standards of scientific software development. http://software-carpentry.org
PSPA : la bourse de Marica a été accordée. Marica pasera au LAL 3 jours en début de semaine prochaine.
L’appel à contribution pour les JI est ouvert jusqu’au 18 mai prochain.