1. Presentation

XGRID is a Mac OS X server and Mac OS X technology. This soft can be set up to install Xgrid clusters, local grids or distributed grids. It enables to deploy and manage computing grids, to manage and use resources. For a simple user the process is very easy to follow.

There is a specific terminology to describe a Xgrid grid:

• The controller manages the grid and distributes the work.

• The agent belongs to the grid and executes sub tasks.

• The client is the computer which sends a task to the controller.

• The task are the operations submitted to the controller by the client. It can include data and executables.

• The Sub task is a part from the task. The controller divides a task in many sub tasks and distributes them to the agents.

2. Tutorial Xgrid on line:


Xgrid was deployed on the learning’s Macs of LAL (more than twenty machines).

We invite all Mac users to deploy Xgrid on their machines. The instructions are available on the tutorial. For further information do not hesitate to contact us:

xtremweb @ lal. in2p3. fr

La grille de bureau Xgrid au LAL

1. Présentation

XGRID est une technologie Mac OS X server et Mac OS. Ce middleware peut-être installé sur des clusters Xgrid, des grilles locales ou distribuées. Il permet de :
• Déployer et gérer des grilles de calcul
• Gérer et utiliser les ressources informatiques
Pour un utilisateur non expert, la procédure d’installation est très facile à suivre.

Terminologie Xgrid :

• Le contrôleur gère la grille et distribue les travaux à exécuter

• L’agent appartient à la grille et exécute les sous tâches.

• Le client envoie la tâche au contrôleur.

• La tâche est un ensemble d’opérations soumises au contrôleur par le client. Elle peut inclure des données et des exécutables.

• La sous tâche est une partie de la tache. Le contrôleur divise une tâche en plusieurs sous tâches et les distribue aux agents.

2. Tutorial Xgrid en ligne :


Xgrid a été installé sur les macs de l’enseignement du LAL (une vingtaine de machines).
Nous invitons l’ensemble des utilisateurs de macs à déployer Xgrid sur leur machine. Les instructions d’installation sont disponibles sur le tutorial en ligne. Pour plus d’informations, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter :

xtremweb @ lal. in2p3. fr

4. XtremWeb-HEP : XtremWeb for High Energy Physics

We are developing a new global computing platform, based on XtremWeb 1.8.0 : XtremWeb-HEP (XtremWeb for High Energy Physics).

This new platform :

  • introduces the notion of data;
  • extends application deployment by allowing end user applications one;
  • introduces the notion of project;
  • introduces the notion of “public” and “private” computing resources;
  • uses certificates;

This platform permits to continue our work on towards standardization and hopefully resources sharing with EGEE.



1. Presentation

XGRID is a Mac OS X server and Mac OS X technology. This soft can be set up to install Xgrid clusters, local grids or distributed grids. It enables to deploy and manage computing grids, to manage and use resources. For a simple user the process is very easy to follow.

There is a specific terminology to describe a Xgrid grid:

• The controller manages the grid and distributes the work.

• The agent belongs to the grid and executes sub tasks.

• The client is the computer which sends a task to the controller.

• The task are the operations submitted to the controller by the client. It can include data and executables.

• The Sub task is a part from the task. The controller divides a task in many sub tasks and distributes them to the agents.

Tutorial Xgrid on line :


Xgrid was deployed on the learning’s Macs of LAL (more than twenty machines).

We invite all Mac users to deploy Xgrid on their machines. The instructions are availble on the tutorial. For further information do not hesitate to contact us :

xtremweb @ lal. in2p3. fr

LAL deployment

XtremWeb distributed computing platform aggregates volunteer PCs to establish a virtual cluster. This needs to deploy a little java software, the XtremWeb “worker”.XtremWeb computing service over laboratory PCs is starting on May 28th.As annonced on a previous article the XtremWeb distributed computing platform is deployed over the laboratory PCs.
The deployment is starting on May 28th.

This deployment is fully automated and needs no specific action from PC owners.

This does not concern laptops.

Les “anciennes” actualités.

  • May 10th, 2005
    • Platform upgraded to 1.7.0.
  • Feb 3rd, 2006 : A major security hole found in Linux
    This does not directly concern XtremWeb, but may occur on Linux machines, including Linux workers:

    It seems that Linux kernel, up to 2.4.23, does not include OOM (Out Of Memory) process. This may leads to serious damages, including data loss, if any process (submitted with XtremWeb or not) requests far more than available memory.
    Linux 2.6.x does not seem to suffer such lacks.

    This is still under expertise…

  • Decembre 15th, 2005
    • Platform upgraded to 1.5.0.
  • Septembre 15th, 2005
    • EGEE/XtremWeb : a new gliding
  • August 23th, 2005
    • Platform upgraded to 1.5.0-beta.
  • April 20th, 2005
    • Platform upgraded to 1.4.0.
  • January 20th, 2005
    • Platform upgraded to 1.3.11.
  • January 14th, 2005
    • Platform upgraded to 1.3.10.
  • August 6th, 2004
    • Platform upgraded to 1.3.5.
  • July 1st, 2004
    • Platform upgraded to 1.2.0 ;
    • Documentation available : please click here
    • Downloads available : please click here.
  • Jun 25th, 2004
    • More than 7,000 jobs executed : please click here.
  • Jan 23rd, 2004
    The full production process is now installed :

    • the platform processes Aires simulations on demand, using the XtremWeb client;
    • simulation results are automatically stored on HPSS storage at CC IN2P3.
  • Oct 31th, 2003
      XtremWeb v1r2-rc5 installed at LAL

EGEE 2nd User Forum : an XtremWeb/EGEE poster

We have the pleasure to present a poster at EGEE 2nd User Forum describing our works on grids integration : EGEE and XtremWeb.These works tends to permit resource sharings between these two platforms and to standardize their interfaces.

Motivations :

  • to aggregate secured computing resources from both platforms ;
  • to centralize all over a unic GateKeeper ;
  • to standardize user interface as to conform to grid standaidizatioin specifications.

Theses works have to parts.
The first proposes to include EGEE computing resources into XtremWeb.
To that goal, an XtremWeb "agent" instanciates XtremWeb workers as EGEE jobs, accordingly to XtremWeb needs and EGEE resources disponibility. These XtremWeb worker deployed over EGEE platform are configured with a specific time to live and can run a single XtremWeb task.


  • include users who don’t belong to any VO;
  • use XtremWeb security, load balancing and fault tolerance;
  • benefit of EGEE submission mechanisms to automatically deploy XtremWeb services.

The second part proposes to include XtremWeb computing resources into EGEE platform.
The main idea of this solution consists of using the XtremWeb coordinator as batch scheduler.


  • use EGEE interface;
  • benefit of EGEE high security level;
  • benefit of XtremWeb mechanisms; bypass firewall, fault tolerance and load balancing to optimize EGEE resources utilization.

The main disavantage of our works:

  • a double deployement (even automatic) of EGEE and XtremWeb.


  • XtremWeb brings:
    • an automatic load balancing of ressources from both platforms;
    • a fault tolerant model.
  • EGEE brings:
    • a high security level;
    • Virtual Organizations;
    • a centralized user interface.

Open questions:

  • our solution need a JDL descriptor to distinguish &qout;EGEE" from "Desktop Grid" tasks;
  • will it be possible to standardize Desktop Grid implementations?
  • will it be possible to deploy EGEE middleware "on the fly"?
  • how to secure Deskto Grid resources to conform to EGEE requirements?