1. Presentation

XGRID is a Mac OS X server and Mac OS X technology. This soft can be set up to install Xgrid clusters, local grids or distributed grids. It enables to deploy and manage computing grids, to manage and use resources. For a simple user the process is very easy to follow.

There is a specific terminology to describe a Xgrid grid:

• The controller manages the grid and distributes the work.

• The agent belongs to the grid and executes sub tasks.

• The client is the computer which sends a task to the controller.

• The task are the operations submitted to the controller by the client. It can include data and executables.

• The Sub task is a part from the task. The controller divides a task in many sub tasks and distributes them to the agents.

2. Tutorial Xgrid on line:


Xgrid was deployed on the learning’s Macs of LAL (more than twenty machines).

We invite all Mac users to deploy Xgrid on their machines. The instructions are available on the tutorial. For further information do not hesitate to contact us:

xtremweb @ lal. in2p3. fr