1. Introduction to DGHEP

The Desktop Grid for High Energy Physics (DGHEP) project aims to study different global computing platforms to understand how researchers could benefit from these platforms and cover their increasingly growing computing power needs.

In this project, we study :

  • XtremWeb, the platform by INRIA;
  • Xgrid, the platform by Apple;
  • Boinc, the platform by Berkeley.

Since a strong collaboration between IN2P3 and INRIA was born around XtremWeb, our work "naturally" starts with XtremWeb.

For preliminary tests this server is intended to deploy a Desktop Grid, using XtremWeb as middleware.

This XtremWeb platform first aims to process Auger MonteCarlos; on completion, these are automatically stored on HPSS storage at CC IN2P3, Lyon – France and finally removed from the platform.