
Notre intergiciel propose un script bash pour gérer des machines virtuelles dans VirtualBox. Vous pouvez utiliser ce script pour tester une appliance sur votre ordinateur avec VirtualBox.

Avec ce script vous pouvez:
– voir l’aide en ligne avec ‘-h’ or ‘–help’;
– installer une nouvelle machine virtuelle dans Virtualbox;
– démarrer une machine virtuelle dans Virtualbox;
– arrêter une machine virtuelle dans Virtualbox;
– supprimerune machine virtuelle de Virtualbox.


$> ./
Usage : ./ --install --name vm_name --hda aFile [install_parameters] | --start --name vm_name | --stop --name vm_name | --uninstall --name vm_name

When running on the Grid Computing, commands are automatically and sequentially executed as follow
[1] install --hda aFile [install_parameters] [2] start
[3] stop
[4] uninstall

--install --name vm_name --hda aFile [--context aFile] [--app aFile] [--input aFile] [--result aFile] [--sshport portNumber] [--sharedfs aDirectory] This installs a new VM in VirtualBox and exits.
Install parameters:
--hda aFile : This is required
This provides the boot disk (an ISO, VDI, VMDK or VHD)

--context aFile : This is optional
This provides a file or a directory as context
If this is not a virtual disk (VD), a new VD is created containing aFile (recursively, if applicable)
If this is a VD (an ISO, VDI, VMDK or VHD), it is kept as is
The VD will be mounted on /mnt/xwcontext

--app aFile : This is optional
This provides a virtual disk (VD) file to mount on /mnt/app
This file may be ISO, VDI, VMDK or VHD file
This typically contains user application stack
This is removed at VM shutdown

--input aFile : This is optional
This provides a virtual disk (VD) file to mount on /mnt/input
This file may be ISO, VDI, VMDK or VHD file
This typically contains user application input files
This is removed at VM shutdown

--result aFile : This is optional
This provides a virtual disk (VD) file to mount on /mnt/result
This file may be ISO, VDI, VMDK or VHD file
If not provided, the script creates, formats
and mounts a new empty 30Gb disk
This will contain user application results
This is kedpt at VM shutdown and sent back to user

--sharedfs : This is optional
This provides a local directory to be mounted inside the VM on /mnt/sharedfs
This is forced to , when running on the Grid Computing
--sshport : This is optional
This provides a port number to forward to VM port 22, to connect through ssh

--start --name vm_name
This starts vm_name

--stop --name vm_name
This stops vm_name

--uninstall --name vm_name
This uninstalls vm_name from VirtualBox


bash script "";
bash script "createvdi".


All proposed appliances below have been generated using our tools.

LoginsudoMount guest FSConnect
as root
to LAN
Scientific Linux Scientific Linux 6.5

32yesyesvmuser poweroff nonono481Mb52041f50e36e9ab012ad991755069af8Dec 19th, 2014
Scientific Linux Scientific Linux 6.5

32yesyesvmuser poweroff nonono450Mb4a659746d192fbd4c8fa7c03b2262d3cOct 3th, 2014
Ubuntu Ubuntu 12

32yesyesvmuserpoweroffnonoyes445Mb30cc7a1cdf433003cef1b90a7f0a5cd5Feb 5th, 2014
CernVM CernVM 2.5.3 set up for Atlas experiment

32yesyesvmusershutdownnonono240Mb1661abd105e10fca7c81cb6c1e3e698aSept 27th, 2012