Archives de catégorie : 2013
Session 6 : Enoncé
Code for download: session6_start.tar.gz Exercise: With use of G4AnalysisManager (see example B4/B4d ): Create & fill histogram Define a 1D histogram for the energy deposited per event for each calorimeter layer Implement filling of histograms in the EDEmCalorimeterSD::EndOfEvent() function. Hint: … Continuer la lecture
Session 6
Analysis Presentations Analysis ( slides ) History, Geant4 analysis tools, Histograms and ntuples, Plotting With External analysis tools, Interfacing With External Analysis Tools (ROOT, AIDA) More on Visualization/UI ( slides ) Visualization commands Exercise Add histograms & ntuples, Open generated … Continuer la lecture
Session 1: Introduction in Geant4 Session 2: Geometry & Materials Session 3: Primary Particles, User Actions Session 4: Physics Session 5: Scoring Session 6: Analysis, More on Vis/UI Session … Continuer la lecture
Session 5
Scoring Presentations Scoring ( slides ) Extracting useful information, Sensitive detectors, Geant4 scorers, Command-based scoring, Accessing information from Geant4 objects Identification of detector components in geometry ( slides ) Touchables Exercise Implement hits and sensitive detector for both tracker and … Continuer la lecture
Session 4
Physics Presentations Physics 1 ( slides ) Introduction, G4VUserPhysicsList class, Modular physics list, Packaged physics lists, Extra physics: step limiter etc., Physics list factory. Physics 2 ( slides ) Physics Processes, Production thresholds, Cuts per region. Exercise Explore physics processes … Continuer la lecture
Geant4 Web Site Geant4 France Web SiteFrance Geant4 User’s Guide for Application Developers Geant4 Movie Tutorial Geant4 YouTube channel MAC OS Help Object-oriented programming, C++
Session 5 : Enoncé
Code for download: session5_start.tar.gz Exercise: Implement hit and sensitive detector classes for the Drift chamber (EDChamberHit, EDChamberSD) to account the following information when a charged track passed through the detector: the chamber layer number the time when a particle hits … Continuer la lecture
Session 4 : Enoncé
Code for download: session4_start.tar.gz Exercise: Explore processes defined for proton, e-, e+, gamma particles via UI commands and add these commands in run.mac. Add a possibility to select any Geant4 physics list using G4PhysListFactory class. Check availability of the physics … Continuer la lecture
Session 1 : Enoncé
Code for download: session1_start.tar.gz Exercise: Geant4 is already installed on the machines in the directory /usr/local. We will first call the Geant4 script to define the environment needed to build & run Geant4 application: cd /usr/local/bin . Build & … Continuer la lecture