Tutorial 2020, 23 – 27 November

Ecole Geant4 de l’IN2P3 et PHENIICS 

23 – 27 November 2020


The 2019 tutorial is supported and organised by CNRS and  The Doctoral School PHENIICS, see also the tutorial Web sites:




Ivana Hrivnacova  (IJCLab Orsay, Universite de Paris-Sud, IN2P3-CNRS) (responsible),
Igor Semeniouk (LLR, Ecole Polytechnique),
Marc Verderi  (LLR, Ecole Polytechnique)

Registration – CLOSED

The registration for the CNRS participants is closed.

The registration for the PHENIICS participants is organised by the doctoral school.

Due to the health covid-19 crisis the number of participants was reduced and we cannot accept external participants.

Video conference

The training will be given completely by distance. Participants are asked to install Geant4 on their computers before the start of the course.  

Zoom will be used for video communication:
We will propose a test zoom session in the end of the next week (on Thursday 19/11 or Friday 20/11), that will allow us to test and adjust the zoom setting and will give you an opportunity to try your connection and get an experience with zoom if you have not yet used it before.

Geant4 Installation

It will  be necessary to install Geant4 before the start of the course. No support for installation will be provided during the course.  

More detailed instructions about the necessary Geant4 configuration are available here.


The tutorial will alternate lectures with exercises for development of a user application. The goal is to learn step by step using the Geant4 toolkit and developing of a Geant4 application. The following topics will be covered:

  • Definition of geometry and materials
  • Definition the primary particles sources
  • Definition of physical processes and selection of a physics list
  • User interfaces, macros, visualization
  • Accounting physical quantities (« scoring »), analysis
  • Multithreading
  • Biasing


  • Morning sessions (Monday – Friday): from  9h00 to 12h30
  • Afternoon sessions (Monday-Thursday): from 14h00 to 18h00
  • Afternoon session (Friday): from 14h00 to 16h00

Required skills

Basic level of C++ programming language is required :

  • basic/syntax: if statements, loop constructs functions, pointers, references, passing function arguments
  • classes: class definition and implementation, class data members and member functions/methods, static data members, member functions/methods, base class and derived class, pure virtual function/method
  • standard template library: iostream, vector

For those who need a revision see more here.

Ivana Hrivnacova, IPN Orsay
E-mail: ivana@ipno.in2p3.fr