Archives de catégorie : 2014

Session 10 : Enoncé

Code for download: session10_start.tar.gz Introduction: The exercise shows one usage of the biasing classes. We have a shield, made of concrete, which is inserted between the calorimeter and the screen of session 9. This shield is divided in 10 slices, … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 2014 | Laisser un commentaire

Session 7 : Enoncé

Code for download: session7_start.tar.gz Exercise: Migrate the exampleED application to MT. After each step rebuild the program. You can also try to run and observe the behavior (breaks) after each step and understand how the next step fixes the observed … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 2014 | Laisser un commentaire

Session 6 : Enoncé

Code for download: session6_start.tar.gz Exercise: With use of G4AnalysisManager (see example B4/B4d ): Create & fill histogram Define a 1D histogram for the energy deposited per event for each calorimeter layer Implement filling of histograms in the EDEmCalorimeterSD::EndOfEvent() function; Hint: … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 2014 | Laisser un commentaire

Session 5 : Enoncé

  Code for download: session5_start.tar.gz Exercise: Complete implementation of the hit and sensitive detector classes for the Drift chamber (EDChamberHit, EDChamberSD) to account the following information when a charged track passed through the detector: the chamber layer number the time … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 2014 | Laisser un commentaire

Session 4 : Enoncé

Code for download: session4_start.tar.gz Exercise: Explore processes defined for proton, e-, e+, gamma particles via UI commands and add these commands in run.mac. Add a a command line option to select any Geant4 physics list using G4PhysListFactory class. Check availability of … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 2014 | Laisser un commentaire

Session 3 : Enoncé

Code for download: session3_start.tar.gz Exercise: Change primary generator class with use of G4ParticleGun. See eg. example basic/B1 README page and its B1PrimaryGenerator class Update run.mac and add runs with following primaries: proton, positron, pion-, muon+ Run the macro from your interactive … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 2014 | Laisser un commentaire

Session 2 : Enoncé

Code for download: session2_start.tar.gz Update login script: To get the environment setup called automatically when a new terminal is open, you can add the commands for this setting in your login script, which is in our case in $HOME/.zshrc file. … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 2014 | Laisser un commentaire

Session 1 : Enoncé

Code for download: session1_start.tar.gz Exercise: Geant4 is already installed on the machines in the directory /usr/local. We will first call the Geant4 script to define the environment needed to build & run Geant4 application: cd /usr/local/bin . Build & … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 2014 | Laisser un commentaire

Session 10

Physics List, Biasing Presentations Which Physics List to Use( slides ) Choosing appropriate Physics List, Validation Event Biasing ( slides ) Principles, Available functionalities in Geant4, (future ones) AOB Exercise Shielding

Publié dans 2014 | Laisser un commentaire

Session 9

More on Physics Presentation ( slides ) EM physics EM standard overview, Multiple scattering Hadronic physics Overview, Elastic process, Precompound/de-exitation models, Cascade models, Parameterized models Neutron physics, Ion physics, Radioactive decay String models, CHIPS / electro-nuclear models, Capture / fission … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 2014 | Laisser un commentaire