Session 6 : Enoncé

Code for download: session6_start.tar.gz


  • With use of G4AnalysisManager
    (see example B4/B4d ):

    1. Create & fill histogram
      • Define a 1D histogram for the energy deposited per event for each calorimeter layer
      • Implement filling of histograms in the EDEmCalorimeterSD::EndOfEvent() function.
        To access the i-th calorimeter hit from fHitsCollection:
        EDEmCalorimeterHit* hit = (EDEmCalorimeterHit*)(*fHitsCollection)[i];
    2. Create & fill ntuple
      • Define an ntuple representing the tracker chamber hit:
        • the chamber layer number
        • hit local position (x, y, z)
      • Implement filling of ntuple in  EDChamberSD::ProcessHits();
      • Note that currently G4AnalysisManager can handle only one ntuple object, that’s why we have commented out setting of sensitive detector to the chambers in the second arm. This limitation will be removed in the next Geant4 release v10.0
    3. Inspect generated file in Root with Root browser
  • Add menu in GUI using command line interface
    • Add a menu « View » in the toolbar (on apple computers, the menu bar is always at the top of the screen)
    • In this View menu, add two buttons for setting the viewPoint at Theta/Phi (0,0) and (90,0)
    • In this View menu, add a button for setting a viewPoint and ask for it (define a command without parameters)
  • Manipulate geometry
    • Add axes at the middle of the EmCalorimeter
    • Add date on your scene
    • Add text in red near your tube withe the « tube » label
    • Set background to « gray »
    • Make an 8000*6000 EPS file (with 100 events) and look at it
    • Complete vis.mac with theses macros

Solution: session6_solution.tar.gz

Exercise ++:

The exercises marked as ++ are optional; they are recommended for participants who have already some experience with Geant4 and get some time left for practicing more than the basic exercise proposed above.

  • Use one 2D histogram for all calorimeter layers.