Session 5 : Enoncé


Code for download: session5_start.tar.gz


            • Complete implementation of the hit and sensitive detector classes for the Drift chamber (EDChamberHit, EDChamberSD) to account the following information when a charged track passed through the detector:
              • the chamber layer number
              • the time when a particle hits chamber
              • the hit local position (the position in the chamber volume frame)
            • Hints:
              • The code for the layer number is already implemented, add missing code for the other quantities
              • To check if the hits are correctly accounted, add printing of the added hit data in EDChamberHit::Print()
            • Implement drawing Chamber hits:
              • Add and implement EDChamberHit::Draw() function.(See B2TrackerHit class in basic/B2/B2a example).
              • Activate drawing hits in vis.mac macro
            • Implement hit and sensitive detector classes for the EM calorimeter (EDEmCalorimeterHit, EDEmCalorimeterSD) to account the following information:
              • the layer number
              • the total energy deposit in the layer (= the accumulated deposit from all particles).

              To check your implementation, add printing of the calorimeter hit collection at the end of each event (in EDEmCalorimeterSD::EndOfEvent()), see the similar code in EDChamberSD class)

            • Hints:
              • See example B4/B4c how to account the energy deposit in a calorimeter
              • In difference from Chamber hits, the Calorimeter hits have to be created in EDEmCalorimeterSD::Initialize() and updated in EDEmCalorimeterSD::ProcessHits().

Solution: session5_solution.tar.gz

Exercise ++:

The exercises marked as ++ are optional; they are recommended for participants who have already some experience with Geant4 and get some time left for practicing more than the basic exercise proposed above.

        • There is no complementary exercise for this session.